

博彩平台网址大全 offers transfer programs designed to allow students to complete first- and second-year courses that transfer to most four-year colleges and universities. The 文学副学士 and 科学 Degree offers students a widely accepted program of 通识教育 courses allowing flexibility for selecting specific courses that may be required at the college or university to which the student wishes to transfer. AA&S degree often enables students to complete the first two-years of a four-year degree program. While some four-year schools will accept some courses from certain Associate in Applied Science degree programs, 这一政策因机构而异.  通常, a student who intends to transfer should most likely be enrolled in one of the 文学副学士 and 科学 programs below:


文学副学士 & 科学



WCC还提供英语证书 通识教育. This certificate can be helpful for students who pursue a degree in a non-transferable occupational program, 但需要额外的通识教育课程才能转学, 或者是想在一年后转学的学生.

Students have the responsibility to become familiar with the requirements and prerequisites of the transfer institution and the intended 主要的. 应注意所要求的平均绩点, 转学申请截止日期, 副学士学位课程是否适用于预定的四年制课程, 以及可转学的课程数量. WCC counselors and faculty advisors are available to help students gather such information and review alternatives; however the student makes the final choice. 


It is never too early to start planning for a smooth transition to another institution. 在理想的情况下, you would declare your intent to transfer during your first semester or even before registering for any classes. 以下是转移计划的一般时间表: 


  • Investigate possible transfer institutions that offer your desired program of study and fulfill your desired features (i.e. 规模,成本,地点,远程学习,)
  • 了解更多关于 通识教育要求 以及WCC提供的课程
  • Work with WCC counselors or advisors to become familiar with the requirements of your WCC program and to select appropriate courses
  • Find out what math courses are required for the potential institutions/主要的s you are considering and start your math and English courses as early as possible
  • 开始寻找 转让协议 以及你潜在专业/机构可能存在的奖学金机会


  • 决定哪个转学机构最适合你的需要,如果可能的话去看看
  • 充分利用转换车间, 大学参观日, 以及在WCC举行的转学/大学日间博览会 
  • 声明你打算转到你的指导老师那里
  • Use the four-year institution’s transfer guides and consult with a counselor/advisor when selecting your courses
  • Familiarize yourself with the potential institution’s academic calendars and deadlines for admission and financial aid


  • 继续选择适合自己的课程 通识教育 以及你学习项目的主要要求
  • 提交你的 申请毕业 到WCC招生办公室
  • Submit request(s) to the 招生 Office for your official transcripts to be sent to your four-year school at the end of the semester
  • 完成四年制大学的入学申请


  • Complete all courses required for your Associate Degree and any other courses required for transfer
  • 在公布的截止日期前向四年制学校提交申请
  • 完成你的 FAFSA and submit any additional 金融援助 paperwork by the four-year institution’s deadline (before you are accepted to the institution)
  • 在最后一个学期结束的时候再寄一次正式的成绩单 


A 国家转让政策 was endorsed by the State Board for Community Colleges and the State Council of Higher Education in 1991. This policy suggests guidelines for Virginia community colleges and senior institutions on admission of transfer students, 接受和申请转学分, 转学生服务及责任, 没有副学士学位也可以转学. 另外, WCC has formal articulation agreements with various four-year colleges and universities that detail how specific courses will transfer into a senior institution. 


弗吉尼亚社区学院系统已经建立 近30份保证入学协议 with various colleges and universities that allow students who graduate from the appropriate WCC transfer program to transfer as a junior into a baccalaureate degree program at the four-year institution. Students are guaranteed entrance to these institutions providing they meet the criteria as established in each individual agreement such as minimum GPA, 具体的课程要求和适当的申请程序. 

被学院或大学录取并不能保证被某一专业录取, 主要的, 小, 或浓度. Students should work closely with the transfer institution to ensure they meet all requirements.


  • 弗吉尼亚教育奇才 - 弗吉尼亚教育奇才 has been developed to help students explore careers, 寻找与自己职业兴趣相匹配的大学专业, 估算和比较大学费用, 寻找并申请经济援助和奖学金, 并计划他们从社区大学转到四年制大学.
  • 传输选项 - The State Council for Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) offers a 传输选项 list to assist students in researching options for transferring from a Virginia Community College to a four-year institution in Virginia. The list allows students to compare the most common transfer courses from the community college to courses at any of the four-year institutions in Virginia. 
  • 转会常见问题
  • 弗吉尼亚最好的大学
  • 弗吉尼亚州最好的在线大学


All transferable two-year degrees and all four-year degrees require a 通识教育 core curriculum. It is important to select the appropriate courses for meeting the associate degree requirements while choosing courses that although may not be required at WCC will fulfill the requirements of the degree program you plan to transfer to at the four-year institution. Below is a list of WCC courses that are generally accepted at most four-year colleges and universities in Virginia as partial fulfillment of their lower-level general-education requirements. Students must earn a grade of C or better in each course to receive transfer credit.



ENG 111 -112 英语作文I-II 



101年艺术 艺术欣赏 
ENG 241 -242  美国文学概览1 - 2
ENG 243 -244  英国文学概论1 - 2
REL 200 /210旧约/新约概览 
REL 230  世界宗教
水疗中心101 -102 西班牙开始
水疗中心201 -202 中间的西班牙
中科151 电影欣赏一 



ECO 201 -202 经济学原理1 - 2
GEO 210  文化地理概论
GEO 220 World-Regional地理 
他的101 -102 西方文明史1 - 2
他的121 -122  U.S. 历史i ii
请211 -212  U.S. 政府i ii
200  心理学原理
SOC 200  社会学原理



生物101 -102 生物学i ii 
CHM 111 -112  大学化学I-II



m 151 -152  文科数学(有限转学)
m 163 -164  微积分i ii
m 173 -174  微积分i ii
m 271 -272  应用微积分I-II



160年停止 个人健康 

课程的选择应基于学生的WCC学位课程, 潜在转学院校和意向专业. Students are encouraged to consult with an advisor at the four-year institution and a WCC counselor/advisor before enrolling in courses.